The number is still far from the hoped-for level of participation, but just a few weeks from launching, Ham Census is pleased to have reached 500 participants from 27 countries. Of note is the level of completion as well as the level of comments written as part of the “Messages to…” questions. Messages to federal authorities, national organizations, manufacturers and fellow hams have been of the highest quality. To date, moderators have made zero deletes; every single entry has been constructive and useful. Our continued hope is that those for whom the messages are destined, will consult this wealth of knowledge. Indeed, to this end, the Ham Census and Ham Community teams will be reaching out to multiple stakeholders to make them aware of these messages and the wealth of data available in the Census, all of it for free, of course.
We look forward to ongoing growth hoping that our participants will help us to get the word spread throughout the amateur radio community. Ham Census, to be successful, must be seen as a collective effort to shape the future of ham radio.
Two final words, if we may, THANK YOU!! Thank you for your support, really.