Results: Sample page

This sample page contains a fraction of the nearly 250 graphs available to those who complete all six parts of the Census.

Note that all graphs on this site are real-time results updated every time a participant submits a Census.


and gain access to the full results: nearly 250 graphs and hundreds of messages of hope and frustration from hams to federal authorities, manufacturers and each other!

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Messages from our participants to authorities, manufacturers and other hams

At the end of Part VI of the Census, participants are given the chance to write three messages to:

  1. Federal authorities and national associations
  2. Gear manufacturers
  3. Other amateur radio operators.

Below is a very small sample of the latest ones. You'll see all the others when you finish filling in the six parts of the Census. And of course, you will get to post your own messages!

To authorities and associations

To gear manufacturers

To fellow hams

Maintain current frequencies for amateur radio

2024-12-15 at 22:41 GMT+0000 UTC

National organisations need to move into the 21st century. Many still operate a 20th century model, exercise a special hubris and do not listen well to members. They tend to be inwardly focused and set priorities that are no longer relevant. The culture needs a complete overhaul – and many within our hobby need to accept that times must change.

2024-07-26 at 04:06 GMT+0000 UTC

We must concentrate more on quality of operators, rather than quantity, even if that means a reduction in level of Ham Radio businesses.

2024-01-25 at 07:54 GMT+0000 UTC

The ARRL should make direct “Be Prepared” appeals to Scout groups. They should also be helping non-hams get licensed in other, no-license radio services (such as in the U.S., the General Mobile Radio Service whose license covers an entire family and allows the use of repeaters).

2023-12-03 at 00:23 GMT+0000 UTC

1. Inject humor and lightheartedness into amateur radio activities and events, create funny skits, jokes, or light-hearted competitions that bring a sense of fun and entertainment to the hobby, making it more appealing and enjoyable for newcomers.
2. Improve the public image of amateur radio by actively engaging with diverse memberships… pay for a booth and raffle it to qualifying clubs that promote amateur radio in minority groups.
3.Organize ham outings or trips to interesting locations where amateur radio activities can be combined with sightseeing or other recreational activities… camping, cruises, beach days, battleship tours, NASA field trip/tour. This can foster camaraderie among ARRL members and create memorable experiences.

2023-05-31 at 01:13 GMT+0000 UTC


2023-05-15 at 18:55 GMT+0000 UTC

Amateur Radio Licenses should be given by volunteers and without the Government fee charged to obtain/renew licenses. It is handled by the FCC COMPUTER! The only fee should be determined locally by the testing group.

2023-05-14 at 03:13 GMT+0000 UTC

dont take our frequencies or bands. we need more to help during emergencies. Maybe if we had bands or frequencies only available for emergency use only.

2022-08-14 at 16:18 GMT+0000 UTC

More front end regulation policies of RFI interfering equipment.

2022-06-07 at 14:30 GMT+0000 UTC

We need to get up to date with what the young generation is interested in, and apply that to examples that will have them join or at least have an interest in Ham Radio. Example is when ARRL dropped the ball on texting before it was available on cell phones. FCC enforce and get rid of the hams and or NETS that push other hams away and have been the cause of new hams leaving just shortly after they got their ticket.

2022-06-07 at 12:15 GMT+0000 UTC

Keep it up. A good spread of gear and very affordable.

2024-07-26 at 04:06 GMT+0000 UTC

I can’t carry so many radios for all the modes, consolidate !!!

2024-05-22 at 20:25 GMT+0000 UTC

You can reduce the number of “levels” of your products (example: fewer HF radio versions). We will still buy your radios. Use the savings to reduce bugs and to offer more frequent firmware updates. PLEASE!

2024-01-25 at 07:54 GMT+0000 UTC

1. Organize entertainment events at ham festivals, such as concerts or a beer/wine garden. This can attract a broader audience and create a more festive atmosphere, making ham festivals appealing to a wider range of people.
2. Work with Royal Robbins, Patagonia, North Face, or REI to do Cross-Promotion, Bundled Offerings, Retail Partnerships, or Product Collaborations
3.Establish a donation fund where a % of proceeds go to provide free wheelchair rentals for randomly selected individuals during amateur radio events. This promotes inclusivity and shows the hobby’s commitment to accessibility. (cause related marketing)

2023-05-31 at 01:13 GMT+0000 UTC

Keep up the good work on your products, especially ICOM and Heil. FlexRadio should lower their prices to make their radios a bit more affordable.

2023-05-15 at 18:55 GMT+0000 UTC

Thank you for as much standardizing and automation as has been included in the recent VHF and HF transceivers I have purchased. They work for me at my low level of understanding, and have built-in features for when I take time to learn their uses. Not the big heavy boxes of tubes I remember from the 50’s. Keep up the good work! Hint, for better user learning, have people from the USA write the manuals.

2023-05-14 at 03:13 GMT+0000 UTC

More old fashioned designs with more knobs and controls and better receive and overload handling and easier GUI.

2023-02-12 at 23:05 GMT+0000 UTC

Simple radios that don’t cost a lot. Starter radios for some of the newer hams.

2023-02-11 at 00:39 GMT+0000 UTC

make things more robust or rugged. Field day we take all our expensive stuff outdoors and 99% of it is not waterproof or even water resistant.
We need things built more like military style, rugged, waterproof, compact, long battery life, sdr, etc.

2022-08-14 at 16:18 GMT+0000 UTC

Use quality parts

2022-06-07 at 14:30 GMT+0000 UTC

Hope to meet you on the bands

2024-12-15 at 22:41 GMT+0000 UTC

Have fun

2024-05-22 at 20:25 GMT+0000 UTC

Continue to promote Ham Radio to others. Remain active. Expand your Ham Radio interests. Mentor others whenever you can.

2024-01-25 at 07:54 GMT+0000 UTC

Volunteer with your other club members to get into school after-school programs. Kids enjoying playing with walkie-talkies and getting on the microphone for ARRL’s School Club Roundup. Again, these are AFTER school programs and most districts are keen to offer new programs.

2023-12-03 at 00:23 GMT+0000 UTC

1. Set up a craft area at events where non-hams can create amateur radio-related items for their ham friends or family members. This provides an opportunity for non-hams to engage with the hobby and learn more about it in a hands-on and creative way.
2.Promote the adventurous aspects of amateur radio, such as portable operations in remote locations. Emphasize the thrill of amateur radio in camping, hiking, biking on trails, skydiving, rock climbing, & overloading.
3. Replace traditional raffles with more interactive ways of winning prizes. Consider activities like Fox Hunts, trivia contests, or Bingo to engage participants and make the prize distribution more exciting.
4. Embrace different modes… not just the ones you are loyal to

2023-05-31 at 01:13 GMT+0000 UTC


2023-05-15 at 18:55 GMT+0000 UTC

Ask not what Ham Radio can do for you, but what YOU can do to improve your local community through Ham Radio. Emergency Services is where I hope to be useful. Where do you fit in?

2023-05-14 at 03:13 GMT+0000 UTC

Save the hobby and pass it to young people.

2023-02-12 at 23:05 GMT+0000 UTC

Enjoy this great hobby

2022-08-28 at 18:32 GMT+0000 UTC

if you know something please teach others. just because someone has an extra license does not mean they know alot it just means they passed a test.

2022-08-14 at 16:18 GMT+0000 UTC

To authorities and associations

Maintain current frequencies for amateur radio

2024-12-15 at 22:41 GMT+0000 UTC

National organisations need to move into the 21st century. Many still operate a 20th century model, exercise a special hubris and do not listen well to members. They tend to be inwardly focused and set priorities that are no longer relevant. The culture needs a complete overhaul – and many within our hobby need to accept that times must change.

2024-07-26 at 04:06 GMT+0000 UTC

We must concentrate more on quality of operators, rather than quantity, even if that means a reduction in level of Ham Radio businesses.

2024-01-25 at 07:54 GMT+0000 UTC

The ARRL should make direct “Be Prepared” appeals to Scout groups. They should also be helping non-hams get licensed in other, no-license radio services (such as in the U.S., the General Mobile Radio Service whose license covers an entire family and allows the use of repeaters).

2023-12-03 at 00:23 GMT+0000 UTC

1. Inject humor and lightheartedness into amateur radio activities and events, create funny skits, jokes, or light-hearted competitions that bring a sense of fun and entertainment to the hobby, making it more appealing and enjoyable for newcomers.
2. Improve the public image of amateur radio by actively engaging with diverse memberships… pay for a booth and raffle it to qualifying clubs that promote amateur radio in minority groups.
3.Organize ham outings or trips to interesting locations where amateur radio activities can be combined with sightseeing or other recreational activities… camping, cruises, beach days, battleship tours, NASA field trip/tour. This can foster camaraderie among ARRL members and create memorable experiences.

2023-05-31 at 01:13 GMT+0000 UTC


2023-05-15 at 18:55 GMT+0000 UTC

Amateur Radio Licenses should be given by volunteers and without the Government fee charged to obtain/renew licenses. It is handled by the FCC COMPUTER! The only fee should be determined locally by the testing group.

2023-05-14 at 03:13 GMT+0000 UTC

dont take our frequencies or bands. we need more to help during emergencies. Maybe if we had bands or frequencies only available for emergency use only.

2022-08-14 at 16:18 GMT+0000 UTC

More front end regulation policies of RFI interfering equipment.

2022-06-07 at 14:30 GMT+0000 UTC

We need to get up to date with what the young generation is interested in, and apply that to examples that will have them join or at least have an interest in Ham Radio. Example is when ARRL dropped the ball on texting before it was available on cell phones. FCC enforce and get rid of the hams and or NETS that push other hams away and have been the cause of new hams leaving just shortly after they got their ticket.

2022-06-07 at 12:15 GMT+0000 UTC

To gear manufacturers

Keep it up. A good spread of gear and very affordable.

2024-07-26 at 04:06 GMT+0000 UTC

I can’t carry so many radios for all the modes, consolidate !!!

2024-05-22 at 20:25 GMT+0000 UTC

You can reduce the number of “levels” of your products (example: fewer HF radio versions). We will still buy your radios. Use the savings to reduce bugs and to offer more frequent firmware updates. PLEASE!

2024-01-25 at 07:54 GMT+0000 UTC

1. Organize entertainment events at ham festivals, such as concerts or a beer/wine garden. This can attract a broader audience and create a more festive atmosphere, making ham festivals appealing to a wider range of people.
2. Work with Royal Robbins, Patagonia, North Face, or REI to do Cross-Promotion, Bundled Offerings, Retail Partnerships, or Product Collaborations
3.Establish a donation fund where a % of proceeds go to provide free wheelchair rentals for randomly selected individuals during amateur radio events. This promotes inclusivity and shows the hobby’s commitment to accessibility. (cause related marketing)

2023-05-31 at 01:13 GMT+0000 UTC

Keep up the good work on your products, especially ICOM and Heil. FlexRadio should lower their prices to make their radios a bit more affordable.

2023-05-15 at 18:55 GMT+0000 UTC

Thank you for as much standardizing and automation as has been included in the recent VHF and HF transceivers I have purchased. They work for me at my low level of understanding, and have built-in features for when I take time to learn their uses. Not the big heavy boxes of tubes I remember from the 50’s. Keep up the good work! Hint, for better user learning, have people from the USA write the manuals.

2023-05-14 at 03:13 GMT+0000 UTC

More old fashioned designs with more knobs and controls and better receive and overload handling and easier GUI.

2023-02-12 at 23:05 GMT+0000 UTC

Simple radios that don’t cost a lot. Starter radios for some of the newer hams.

2023-02-11 at 00:39 GMT+0000 UTC

make things more robust or rugged. Field day we take all our expensive stuff outdoors and 99% of it is not waterproof or even water resistant.
We need things built more like military style, rugged, waterproof, compact, long battery life, sdr, etc.

2022-08-14 at 16:18 GMT+0000 UTC

Use quality parts

2022-06-07 at 14:30 GMT+0000 UTC

To fellow hams

Hope to meet you on the bands

2024-12-15 at 22:41 GMT+0000 UTC

Have fun

2024-05-22 at 20:25 GMT+0000 UTC

Continue to promote Ham Radio to others. Remain active. Expand your Ham Radio interests. Mentor others whenever you can.

2024-01-25 at 07:54 GMT+0000 UTC

Volunteer with your other club members to get into school after-school programs. Kids enjoying playing with walkie-talkies and getting on the microphone for ARRL’s School Club Roundup. Again, these are AFTER school programs and most districts are keen to offer new programs.

2023-12-03 at 00:23 GMT+0000 UTC

1. Set up a craft area at events where non-hams can create amateur radio-related items for their ham friends or family members. This provides an opportunity for non-hams to engage with the hobby and learn more about it in a hands-on and creative way.
2.Promote the adventurous aspects of amateur radio, such as portable operations in remote locations. Emphasize the thrill of amateur radio in camping, hiking, biking on trails, skydiving, rock climbing, & overloading.
3. Replace traditional raffles with more interactive ways of winning prizes. Consider activities like Fox Hunts, trivia contests, or Bingo to engage participants and make the prize distribution more exciting.
4. Embrace different modes… not just the ones you are loyal to

2023-05-31 at 01:13 GMT+0000 UTC


2023-05-15 at 18:55 GMT+0000 UTC

Ask not what Ham Radio can do for you, but what YOU can do to improve your local community through Ham Radio. Emergency Services is where I hope to be useful. Where do you fit in?

2023-05-14 at 03:13 GMT+0000 UTC

Save the hobby and pass it to young people.

2023-02-12 at 23:05 GMT+0000 UTC

Enjoy this great hobby

2022-08-28 at 18:32 GMT+0000 UTC

if you know something please teach others. just because someone has an extra license does not mean they know alot it just means they passed a test.

2022-08-14 at 16:18 GMT+0000 UTC


and gain access to the full results: nearly 250 graphs and hundreds of messages of hope and frustration from hams to federal authorities, manufacturers and each other!

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